Nothing beautiful ever is going to come unless we actively make it happen. Fanciful dates are not going to do it; position of the stars is not going to do
Nothing beautiful ever is going to come unless we actively make it happen. Fanciful dates are not going to do it; position of the stars is not going to do it

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Categories: Willingness

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at the same time : existence, willingness Quote The easiest thing in the existence is self-realization. It is just that you are willing & unwilling at the same time

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for somewhere; whatever you do is spiritual : spirituality, willingness Quote Once you become an absolute "yes" to life, then spirituality is not something that you have to look for somewhere; whatever you do is spiritual

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llingness to include somebody, it doesn't have to come from your body, if you are willing it is possible to love anybody : Love, Philosophy, Wisdom, willingness Quote We love our children just the same even if they are exchanged in the hospital, so it is just your willingness to include somebody, it doesn't have to come from your body, if you are willing it is possible to love anybody

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it’s happening to you unwillingly, it's a horrible thing. : choice, joy, willingness Quote Anything that you are doing in your life, if you are doing it willingly, it's a beautiful thing; if it’s happening to you unwillingly, it's a horrible thing.

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you are being buggered by life. You are unwilling, but we will push you into heaven - you will suffer. : Life, suffering, willingness Quote the moment unwillingness comes, even if the most beautiful thing is happening to you, it feels like you are being buggered by life. You are unwilling, but we will push you into heaven - you will suffer.

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re willing, you become available to Grace; otherwise, you have to plod every step, which is not easy. : grace, willingness Quote If you are unwilling, even heaven is ugly. If you are willing, it's very beautiful and only if you are willing, you become available to Grace; otherwise, you have to plod every step, which is not easy.

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