All willingness Quotes ⇑
Spirituality means you don't try to find explanations for your nonsense - you are willing to face itSpirituality
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Whatever you are willing to include becomes yours. In a state of absolute willingness, the whole cosmos becomes yours.Inclusiveness
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Inner Transformation of human beings is about moving from unwillingness to willingness. That is a silent revolution.Transformation
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The only way you can be successful is by including people. Anyway you are doing it - unwillingly; being conscious means to do it willinglySuccess Inclusiveness People
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It doesn't matter what we are doing. Whether we are sweeping the floor, or managing the country. If we are putting our heart into what we are doing, it is beautiful to be doing that activity
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Most of the things that you are doing in your life are things that you have actually chosen to do. In spite of that, in day-to-day activity, there is so much struggle even with the simple activities that you are doing because you are unwilling to give yourself
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Whether it is your work, your marriage, your family... you started all these things willingly, because you wanted them in your life. But then you forgot why you started this, and now you are giving unwillingly and it has become a painful process
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Volunteering is a way of obliterating all limitations within you, to become absolutely willing. No spiritual process will happen to any human being unless he becomes willing. The basic essence of a spiritual process is to become willing, to become a 100% "yes" to lifeLimitation
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Once you become an absolute "yes" to life, then spirituality is not something that you have to look for somewhere; whatever you do is spiritualSpirituality
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For your innate qualities and possibilities to find expression, it needs a highway of willingness, not the cage of unwillingnessLimitation Possibility
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Wherever you may be, whatever you may be, if you are willing to strive, you can evolve yourself beyond the limitations of natureLimitation
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The fundamental of your relationship is, you are willing to listen to the other personRelationship Short
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Nothing beautiful ever is going to come unless we actively make it happen. Fanciful dates are not going to do it; position of the stars is not going to do it
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you must be a volunteer, always. What a being a volunteer means is.. "I am doing whatever I am doing willingly." If you do it willingly, it becomes your heaven; if you do it unwillingly, it will become your hellWisdom Joy
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The feminine is ultimate willingness. Without willingness, there would be no love, no care, nothing gentle in this worldLove
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Good intentions have messed up the planet for long enough. What we need is a willingness to move from personal ambition to a larger vision, from a narrow understanding of well-being to a more inclusive oneInclusiveness Planet
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We need youth who dare not only to ask questions, but are willing to invest their lives in finding solutionsYouth Solution
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No matter who you are, how the hell you were born, who your parents were, what kind of karma you have - if you are willing, you can build yourself upInspirational Karma Responsibility
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'I want the world to change' is not a revolution. 'I am willing to change' is a huge revolution, a silent revolution & the only way to bring true well-being to humanityChange World
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This is what being youth means, that you are not willing to settle for false things. You want to find out what is it that really worksYouth Action
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Liberation is a free process if you are joyfully willing to walk into hopelessness.Short Liberation
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How beautifully you can relate to someone simply depends on your willingness, flexibility, and joyfulness.Joy
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If you are willing to strive, there is a way to go beyond all the limitations that are considered human.Spirituality Limitation
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Whatever the situation, you can turn it into a great possibility if only you are willing to look at it with openness.Possibility
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Volunteering is a process of training yourself to become 100% willingness. Not just willing to do this or that; simply willing. You may think you are willing, but when you are put to test, you will see how many layers of resistance are there within you about everything your life.
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This is the whole problem with life – everybody is propounding their own concepts, their own philosophies, their own ideologies all the time. Why is it that nobody is willing to look at life the way it is? Because somewhere human beings are too enamored with their own logic, with their own intellect.Life Philosophy Problems Humanity
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If you have the brains and the guts to do something, there is so much to be done in this world, and particularly in IndiaWork Society India
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Volunteering is a way of learning to make our lives into a process of just giving and being willing
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If all of us do the best we can at any given moment, that’s good enough as human beings.Short
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The biggest barrier that human beings face in touching, experiencing, and knowing the Divine is unwillingness to transcend logic.Short Balance
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Decide on something that you can do and that you will do. This is how to transform your life- by taking small stepsLife Action Transformation
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A volunteer means somebody who has no resistance. He has no feeling of what is right, what is wrong, what should be done, what should not be done. Whatever is told, he will simply do- he has become willingness
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If you are willing, I am available in ways beyond your logical understanding.Sadhguru
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A volunteer is not doing something because he is trapped. He is simply willingShort
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