All Youth Quotes ⇑
Youth is humanity in the making. If something is in the works, the more attention you pay to it, the better the product will beHumanity Society Attention
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How will a young person gain strength, courage, learn to handle many things if you don't do something unpredictable? everything is a set track, it's not good
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In India nobody gets old, people die young. That's why we are the youngest nation in the worldShort India
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As young men, I want you to open your eyes and look at the world. Right now, please see what is the most needed thing in the world. You don’t do some fanciful thing that you like to do. You must do what’s most needed. Simply look at it - what is it that the humanity needs most? What is it that the world needs most today?Humanity
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(In old generation) You had one love affair when you were 18 years of age. You thought this is your life and you were willing to die for it; whether you died for it or not but at least at that time you thought you’ll die for it, Today on Facebook they have 22 love affairs going simultaneously. It just means nothingFunny Love Time
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When the physical body is dominant, it will question every institution. Your intelligence has been hijacked by hormones, so you question the fundamentals of everythingIntelligence Body
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By eighteen if youth don’t have a skill, or they are not progressing towards their academic capabilities, they must compulsorily go (to skill schools). If you don’t skill the nation, you will kill the nationNation
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It’s very important children come in touch with some kind of spiritual process where a child is conscious before he gets hijacked by a hormones, he is conscious that there is something more to me than my body. This must become an established reality in his mind and his experience. Then he will handle the physical in a more graceful wayExperience Children Mind Spirituality
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Physically & mentally the next generation that's coming up now seems to be much weaker than the previous generations, especially physical strength, I'm not talking about you being a muscle man, but this is weakening of the species, which is dangerous, maybe after sometime only two thumbs will be living because the only thing they do is textFunny
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The youth of today should get little more in terms of physical activity, a little more into nature, maybe climb a mountain, maybe swim in the lakeNature
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We have to bring this into our youth, children and adults, that we do not conduct life compulsively. How we breathe, eat, walk or sit must be done in a conscious way.Life Children Compulsion Consciousness
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Young people, if you are interested in the future of this world, you must achieve this in the next 25 years: Religion should become purely a personal pursuit, never a national or a global agenda.Religion World People
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Knife is not a dangerous instrument. The hand that holds it can be dangerous. The greatest instruments that human beings have are body & mind. May the youth learn to use these instruments for their well-beingBeing human Body-mind
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Youth have a natural affinity for Truth. Truth meaning what truly works on all levelsShort Truth
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Many things [Love Affair] that don't workout in youth, you will see they were great blessings when you grow upFunny Love
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All the young people, find a place that’s supportive but not influencing you. Spend 3-10 days & look at what you genuinely want to do. At the end of your life, if you look back, will you die a fulfilled human being – this is something you must consider.Life
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Unfortunate that some young students are taking preconceived political sides. If the votes of youth are already committed then we are destroying democracyDemocracy
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Whether it is drink, drugs, or other risky things – too many lives have been wasted in misguided efforts to break our limitations.Limitation
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The youth need to understand that freedom is not an act. It's a consequence. Freedom comes out of responsible existenceFreedom Responsibility
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We need youth who dare not only to ask questions, but are willing to invest their lives in finding solutionsSolution Willingness
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Youth means exuberant energy. If they bring a bit more clarity & balance in their life, this energy would translate into something fantasticLife Balance Energy
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Youth are intelligent enough to mess themselves. Youth are also intelligent enough to sort their lives. The missing ingredients could be clarity and balanceBalance Intelligence
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Youth are natural seekers of truth. Time to empower them with the needed clarity, commitment, and courage to find their truthTruth
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Youth are only youthful when they don’t believe anything. They should be willing to explore; they must want to know for themselvesBelief
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This is what being youth means, that you are not willing to settle for false things. You want to find out what is it that really worksAction Willingness
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Youth simply means life in the making. They are fluid & therefore they are a huge possibilityShort Possibility
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Youth is most open to new possibilities. If they become more conscious, humanity will have a bright future.Consciousness Possibility
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Youth should move smoothly through the world. Their immense energy and potential should not be wasted in frictionEnergy
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Youth have enormous potential. If we can inspire them to identify with humanity as a whole, the impact on the world will be tremendousHumanity
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Youth is a period of intense energy. In directing and harnessing it is the key to a successful life.Success Energy
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The enormous potential of youth can be unleashed for the wellbeing of the world, and it would have a tremendous impact, if only we make our youth inspired, inclusive, and insightful.Inclusiveness Well being
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Youth is not a disease. Usually, the older generation is trying to handle youth as if it is some kind of a disease that needs to be fixed, that needs treatment. It doesn't need any treatment. It is people who have gone away from life who need treatment. Those who are close to life don't need treatment, they have to just live.
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one big thing that needs to happen with the youth and with everybody, is that their identification with humanity should not be limited to just themselves and that it includes a larger society and the larger world around them; this is missing in education today. The modern education is constantly training people only to think about themselves & nothing elseHumanity
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One fundamental mistake that societies have done is somewhere in the minds of the youth.. the male youth in the world, we have put the idea that a female is an object.. a thing that you can possess.Society
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One will debate whether marriage is good or not when they are 18 because physical body is asking for freedom. At that time everybody questions – is marriage really needed, why can’t we just live whichever way we want?Freedom
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We may soon reach a point when entire populations turn chemically dependent – unless there is a massive upsurge in human consciousnessConsciousness
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If you want intoxication, you can generate it from inside – a kind of intoxication that makes you inebriated and super-aware at the same time. This is the kind of intoxication we should introduce our children and youth toChildren
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I beseech everyone, particularly the youth of the nation and the world, to have some kind of a romance with a mountain of choice
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It's time to create a situation where the world’s youth are focused & balanced to make this planet a better place to live inPlanet
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If the world was guided by youth, it would be a better place. They are the ones who are most alive, idealistic, and energeticWorld
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Young people, who have their lives ahead of them, should first invest a certain amount of time on their inner wellbeing. How you should be within yourself should be a primary concernWell being People
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As making a living will cease to remain a challenge in the next generation, the youth will move from survival ambitions to doing things that will make a difference in the worldChange Spirituality World
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Political leaders should harness youth to solve nation's problems. Not to create problemsShort
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Today, this day more people commit suicide in this world than all the wars, murders & accidents manage to kill. So more people are on self-help already than murderers, wars, bad drivers, everything put together. And if this level of information onslaught continues on human mind, this will definitely lead to youth wanting to terminate lifeMind
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There is no connect with the rivers today. 80% of urban youth have never seen one. They think water comes from a tapIndia
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We have not addressed fundamental human sexuality. Between the age of 15 & 25, when the impact of hormonal influence is at its peak, there are no solutions. It is time we as a nation debate how we are going to address this.Sexuality
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If the youth become a little more conscious & aware then we have a great future for humanity in making
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If something constructive has to happen in the world, it has to be the youth. If something destructive has to happen in the world, it has to also be the youth, Because they're much more alive than anybody else on the planet
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When we are not inspired, we tend to function only within the limitations in which we are placed. Only when we are inspired, we go beyond and do things that human beings wouldn't normally do. Only then, society surges ahead and does something worthwhileInspirational Limitation Nation
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