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Liberation quotes
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To volunteer is to become willing. To be willing beyond personal choices is the way to liberationShort Choice Willingness
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In relinquishing the limited, the unlimited becomes yoursShort
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Compassion is the least entangling, the most liberating emotion that you can haveShort Emotion Compassion
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I do not understand why people want to control their minds. I want them to liberate their mindsShort Mind Understanding
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Control means to confine something within certain limits. Don't control your mind - liberate itShort Mind
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Liberation is a free process if you are joyfully willing to walk into hopelessness.Short Willingness
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If you have unwavering purpose, it doesn't matter what the purpose is, you will be liberatedShort
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Truth is not for comfort - it's for liberation. It's not a medicine - it's a killerShort Truth
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Karma is your survival and your bondage. And if you handle it right, it can also be your liberationShort Karma
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Learning to live with the reality is the most important dimension. If you stop distorting things in your mind and just see everything the way it is, mukti is just one step away. You don’t have to do anything. Just time will mature you into another place.Time Mind Reality Spirituality
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Once your life is a conscious process, being blissful is natural, moving towards liberation is inevitable.Life Consciousness
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If you know how to keep yourself pleasant within, irrespective of what is happening around you, Ultimate Liberation cannot be denied to youPerspective
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When you exist here only as a body and a mind, suffering is inevitable. Meditation means to go beyond the limitations of your body and mind.Freedom Mind Meditation Body-mind
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Once you come to an unwavering state of awareness where you identify with nothing but the core of your being, liberation cannot be denied to youAwareness Identity
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Wanting to go to Heaven is a deep bondage. Liberation is when even if you are sent to Hell, you still think it is HeavenPerspective
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Whatever you do could be a process of moving towards ultimate liberation; whether it is entangling or enlightening simply depends on how you hold it
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If every moment of your life, no matter what the nature of your work or your life situations, you can remain playful and exuberant, that means you are liberatedLife
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when you are in yoga, you experience everything as a part of yourself, and that is liberation, that is mukti; that is the ultimate freedom.Experience
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You must liberate your mind, not control it. It is acting crazy because it is entangled in petty things.Mind
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The hallucinatory religion (of belief in heaven/ hell) has brought some solace within people, but it has not given any liberationReligion Belief
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People from outside recognized us as one nation because they all believed in something, This nation has never been a nation of believers, we have been a nation of seekers, spiritual process has been the main thing. Here people are not believing in God, they are seeking Mukti or LiberationSeeking India
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A mundane life goes from womb to tomb. A life of awareness leads to liberation from the very process of Life and DeathSpirituality Awareness
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If your liberation becomes your only priority, everything will open up for you. Enlightenment won't happen on the side.Spirituality
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Compassion is one dimension of emotion which is liberating, which does not get entangled with anything or anybodyEmotion Compassion
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What you think as "myself" is just a psychological boundary that you have set up, yoga means consciously obliterating the boundaries of your individuality. If you experience everything around you as "myself" this is yogaExperience Yoga Consciousness
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That which binds you in life can also free you. The door that imprisons you is also the door to liberation.Life
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Walking the spiritual path means moving towards liberation, regardless of your past tendencies, your genes, and your bodySpirituality Spiritual process Body
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If you use any kind of situation or action towards your liberation, then you are in yoga. Otherwise you are only entangling yourself in karmaKarma Yoga
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The spiritual process is always individual. You may sit in a group, but only the individual can evolve, only the individual can liberate himselfSpirituality Spiritual process
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Control means to hold it within certain limits. Only because you cross the limits that other people never cross, you’ve become whoever you are, in the world. So the method should be, not of control, but of liberation.
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If you are in a state of non-identification with anything other than what is this (self), you will come naturally to an unwavering way of being. Once you’re unwavering in your purpose, liberation cannot be denied to you.Spirituality Spiritual process
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Even now, for 98% of the population in Nepal, going to the temple and seeking their mukti is still the highest thing in their mind, which is largely lost in India. Mukti is not the highest thing in India; going to America is the highest thing.Funny Humor Seeking Mind
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Religion is for liberation, isn't it? How can there be freedom when you cannot accept the biology of a human being? we even went to the extent of saying one cannot be Holy if one is born out of it.Freedom Religion Belief
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When you use any aspect of life to liberate yourself,we call it Yoga.Freedom
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Yoga is not just an exercise system. Yoga is the science of obliterating the boundaries of individuality to know the universality of one's existenceYoga Existence
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If your goal is Ultimate Liberation, every breath, every step, every beat of your heart should become consciousConsciousness
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The process of yoga is to see how to go beyond the mind. Only when you are beyond the content of the mind can you really be yourself.Mind Yoga Transformation
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Everybody is some kind of a prisoner of their own making. Some, unfortunately by the state, but the rest have limited themselves because they have drawn their own imaginary boundaries. Yoga is a science of obliterating boundariesYoga
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Every breath you take, you are getting closer to the grave. But every breath you take, you can also get closer to your liberationDeath Possibility
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Sadhana is a tool to rise, to be able to ride the surf of lifeLife
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A devotee is using the object of devotion as a means to dissolve into it. This is a technology of obliterating yourself.Devotion
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Through your work, activity and many other things, see how to lose yourself, not how to establish yourself.Identity Mysticism
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For one who has a clear focus on the path, mukti is just a question of time.
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Unwavering attention to anything will lead to ultimate liberation. Not god, not heaven - anything! You will attainGod Attention
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Whether you are a king, illiterate peasant or great scholar, all of us are aspiring only for the same goal: mukti
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Don't try to liberate yourself from the world because world isn't the bondage. Your mind & body are the only 2 bondagesMind Body
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Mental alertness is not awareness. Mental alertness only enhances your survival instincts. It does not take you towards liberationAwareness
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When you do something just because it is needed, you involve yourself totally without it meaning anything to you, then action becomes liberatingAction
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Whether you call it science, spiritual process, inquiry or quest - essentially, human intelligence wants to transcend its present limitations and liberate itself from the fetters in which we exist right nowIntelligence Limitation Spiritual process
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Creation cannot ignore your longing to Know if it burns with such intensity that it scorches everything in its path except the burning desire to Know. Then, you shall not be deniedSpirituality Longing
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Whether we talk about enlightenment or en-darkenment or whatever else, we are only talking around it, never it. We are talking around it to bring you closer. So the talk draws you closer. Close is not in.Spirituality
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Kashi embodies every possible mechanism that could be used for Liberation, which has been the highest goal in our culture for millenia. Even God is just a stepping stone towards this goal
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In this culture, we never aspired for heaven. We always said the highest is liberation. Mukti is the goal.India
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This is a land which clearly understood, God is our making. That’s the reason why in this culture, God is not the goal – mukti is the goal, liberation is the goalGod India
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With technological advancements, liberation of the human being, which is the bedrock of India - the world’s most ancient civilization, will become mainstreamSpirituality
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Marriage was not just designed for social, financial, physical, or emotional reasons. You come together to support each other towards your mukti
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Intellectually knowing "I am not this, I am not that" doesn't liberate a person. Something much deeper is needed (for Liberation).Intellect
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If you dismantle your karmic structure completely, you merge with existence. This is what mukti or ultimate liberation means - to become free from the very process of life, birth, and deathKarma
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the moment a child becomes reasonably conscious, the first thing that you must put into a child’s mind is, your life is about mukti, about liberation. Everything else is secondary because the only thing that you’re truly longing for is to expand in a limitless way. There is something within you which can’t stand boundaries.Children Longing
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