Yoga is the science and technology which allows the human mechanism to function at its ultimate possibility, to use this mechanism as a stepping stone to go
Yoga is the science and technology which allows the human mechanism to function at its ultimate possibility, to use this mechanism as a stepping stone to go beyond the limitations of the physical, to know life in its full depth and potential

Additional information/ Source: "Midnights with the Mystic" Conversations 2008.

Categories: Yoga Spirituality Spiritual science

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 the limitations of a certain concretization that happens, which we call as personality - to evolve from being a person to a presence. : yoga, spirituality, limitation Quote yoga as a process, yoga as a method, yoga as a technology, yoga as a science is essentially to break the limitations of a certain concretization that happens, which we call as personality - to evolve from being a person to a presence.

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s the most ugly. He is the most wonderful and he is the most
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