India +
Water Crisis quotes
India Quotes
Though the amount of rainfall in India has been the same over the last century, today rivers and groundwater levels are depleting. One reason is our inability to hold this water in the land due to loss in tree coverIndia
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Fortunate for the nation Monsoon is near normal, but complacency during wet season and desperation during dry seasons is not the way. Trees and vegetation only way to keep the blessings of Monsoon for the whole year.India Cauvery calling
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When the volume of rainfall has largely been the same in India in last 70 years, it's time to look at why volume of water in our rivers & groundwater has gone down substantially. Without vegetation, there can be no richness in our soil & no capacity to hold water on landIndia
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One of the key focus areas of "Cauvery Calling" is to bring a significant portion of agricultural land under micro-irrigation which will dramatically reduce fresh water consumption. A vital step needed for the nationIndia River
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Many things that we are doing to take this nation forward, could all go waste and turn around if we fail to manage the nation's soil and waterIndia
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River interlinking is based on this dangerous idea that freshwater flowing into the ocean is a waste. If river water doesn’t reach the ocean, marine water will percolate inland, making 1/3 of India uncultivableIndia River
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One of the objectives of Cauvery Calling is to enable farmers to grow, fell, transport & sell everything they grow in their land. This is a fundamental right that our farmers shouldn’t be deprived of.India
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For a large agrarian country like India, soil & water are the most precious wealth. Killing soil is like killing the Nation. "Cauvery Calling" is an economic plan for farmers & an ecological plan for the nationIndia Economics Cauvery calling
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To solve India’s water problems in the short term, engineering solutions can be employed but a time has come when we must move to nature-based solutions to fundamentally address our soil, water & agriculture problems.India
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We are using our water resources to the fullest. In case of 2 or 3 consecutive bad Monsoons there shall be a human calamity and, in turn, civil strife that will be tragic.India Cauvery calling
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Integrity of the Nation is not only in strengthening its sovereignty. To FREE INDIA of water crisis and soil distress is of paramount importance too. Let us make it happenIndia
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Organic content in India’s soil has become so weak that soil's ability to hold water is gone. The only way to hold monsoon water is by increasing vegetation & organic content in the soil.India
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River interlinking must be evaluated on the basis of scientific, environmental merit and long-term sustainability, not on the basis of emotions & immediate needsIndia River
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River Narmada has been an integral part of the glorious spiritual tradition of Bharat. If we are oblivious to her plight today, then we are declaring that we don’t care about our rich heritage & future of our children.India River
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Narmada, the bedrock of central India's spiritual ethos, is one of the most severely depleted rivers of the nation. Time to restore her to full glory for future generations.India River
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Water levels in India's major river basins reaching a new low of the decade is a silent disaster in the making. A grave threat to agriculture, livestock & well-being of future generations. Their revitalization must become top priorityIndia River
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India is staring at an alarming crisis as forests & vegetation in 18 out of 24 major river basins are on the brink of dryingIndia
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Simple but immediate measures to revitalize India's rivers are must. All experts in field must contributeIndia
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The true wealth of our nation is in water reserves in which thrives one of the world’s richest biodiversityIndia
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River +
Water Crisis quotes
River Quotes
In two generations, Cauvery has depleted to a point that a perennial river has become seasonal, a river that nurtured Tamil Nadu for millenia. Cauvery is Calling.River Cauvery calling
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Rivers have always nurtured our lives & have been the basis of our civilization. It's unfortunate that today we are talking about saving our rivers. The only way to revitalize our rivers is to increase green cover.River
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For the Cauvery to remain true to her name and continue to flow in abundance, we must take action to revitalize her.River Cauvery calling
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The entire work we are proposing for revitalization of rivers is to augment the source of the river.River
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The drying of our rivers is a consequence of the way human beings are livingRiver
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If enough river water does not flow into the ocean, marine or salt water ingress will happen into the land upto 100-130 km. This means India can lose one-third of its geography to marine ingress. Salt water will render the land incapable of any agriculture.River
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Revitalization of our rivers is not the work of a particular person or organisation; it's a generational workRiver
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Revitalizing rivers, lakes and ponds is not for knee jerk actions during summer crisis but a long term commitment. Let us understand this is Generational workRiver
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Krishna Basin that originates from the deep crevasses of the Western Ghats is house of one of the nation's richest & diverse life forms. In our struggle for survival, may we never lose this immense treasure.River
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The Krishna river that got its name from the illustrious ruler Krishnadevaraya was a hub of rich culture and civilization. To see the mighty Krishna in its present condition is heart-wrenching.River
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Longest west-flowing river of Indian peninsula & lifeline of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, Narmada, is part of India's glorious history. Now is the time to act to revitalize NarmadaRiver
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Liberalizing community forestry, public-private participation in afforestation & plantation in catchment areas are essential for revitalization of our forests, rivers & rural economyRiver
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Bringing back tree cover on riverbanks is the only long-term way to revitalize riversRiver
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Our rivers are our lifelines. Their crisis confronts us with a collective deadline.River
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All water crisis Quotes ⇑
Without transforming India’s agriculture, which utilizes over 80% of the nation's water, we cannot fundamentally address the water problems of IndiaProblems India
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"Cauvery Calling" is not a tree planting program. It's an economic program for the farmers & an ecological plan for the nation which will increase farmers' income significantly & revitalize soil & water in Cauvery basin.Cauvery calling
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The aim of "Cauvery Calling" is to enable plantation of 242 crore trees in Cauvery basin which will sequester 9-12 trillion litres of water in the Cauvery basin which is over 60% of the current flow in Cauvery River.Cauvery calling
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We have problems, but we also have a beating heart that seeks solutions. "Cauvery Calling" is about becoming part of the solution for our deteriorating soil & water resourcesCauvery calling
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There is a beautiful saying in Tamil - only if Cauvery comes walking, she is prosperity; if she comes running, she is a disaster. How do we make Cauvery walk? There must be sufficient tree cover in the catchment.Cauvery calling
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When there is absolute scarcity, nobody can do a miracle. What is needed is not a miracle. We need a long-term, sustainable solution to revitalize our rivers and groundwaterSolution River
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Increasing vegetation is the only sustainable solution for the severe, unprecedented depletion of soil and water that nation is reeling under.Solution Ecology
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It's not just two states fighting for sharing water of Mother Cauvery, blood is flowing within a locality for this most fundamental life-making ingredientCauvery calling
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Water is life-making material. Saving water resources is Saving Life.Life Short
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Over exploitation of natural resources, especially of land and water, by one species in one generation has disturbed the entire biodiversity of the planet. Conscious living & slowing down human population growth are the only ways to avert this silent, looming dangerPlanet
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Aggregating irrigation processes & encouraging micro irrigation could be a landmark step in revolutionizing agriculture & optimizing water resources
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Essentially, water is not the problem. The problem is deteriorating quality of soil. If soil is not organically rich then it cannot hold water. Revitalizing India's soil is paramount to ensure a green & water-abundant future of our children.Problems India
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Cauvery is not our problem; Cauvery is source of our life. From now on, when we utter the word Cauvery, we should say Cauvery Tayi, not Cauvery problemPerspective Problems India Cauvery calling
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With increasing population pressure, agroforestry is set to play a pivotal role in reversing land degradation & revitalizing our dwindling natural resources
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Our seven decades of political freedom will go in vain if we don’t leave abundant water and a rich soil for future generations.Cauvery calling
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The regions that were under severe water stress a month ago, are in flood conditions now. This is an outcome of lack of plant life on the land. Time to bring one third of land under tree shadeEcology
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Whether through rainwater harvesting or with more tree cover, whichever way, we need to retain rainwater in the soil
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Godavari, the lifeline of south-central India, has cradled civilization on her banks for many millennia. The alarming rate at which this mighty river is depleting, needs urgent intervention for revitalization
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The mighty Krishna River that has spawned many glorious beings and empires is an inseparable part of Bharat's history. Krishna basin is one of the nation's most fertile. Must be preserved & restored to its ancient glory
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The situation of our severely depleting rivers has reached an alarming level, to a point where national security of the nation is under threat
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Groundwater levels in northwest India falling at the rate of 51cm every year is a dreadfully alarming situation. What we fear for future generations, may come true within our lifetime. No vegetation means no water. Time to restore vegetation to revive our water resources
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The only way to reverse this alarming situation is by restoring vegetation that we have lost in the process of development without an ecological plan in the last 70 yearsEcology River
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Adverse effects of pollution & depletion of water & soil is propelling us to restore lost green cover for wellbeing of future generations. As one of the fastest growing economies & responsible nation, India must emulate this Chinese effort to combat pollution & Climate ChangeWell being Ecology
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"Rally for Rivers" is aimed at large-scale plantation on riparian land for revitalization of rivers & enhancing farmers’ livelihood
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Narmada, one of the most severely depleted rivers of the nation, needs urgent revitalization. Commendable step by Gujarat Government to make micro-irrigation mandatory. Nation must emulate
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Across the country, in the last 35-40 years, a huge depletion of green cover happened. That is the main reason why waters have receded.
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Acute water scarcity is staring India in the face. Revitalization of our rivers, water bodies & groundwater must be our top priority in this decade
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Most people think because of water there are trees. But it has been proven time & again that because of trees there is waterEcology
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Time we address the real challenge before Mother Kaveri which is massive deforestation in catchment areas. We must gradually shift from debating water sharing principles to ways to increase water levels in our riversCauvery calling
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We are looking at how to make the soil and water, particularly rivers and forests, as a national treasure, not as something that everybody can use whichever way they want
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India's rivers and water bodies depleting at an alarming pace. Revitalizing water resource is the most urgent need of the hour.
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Shifting from conventional systems of irrigation to micro irrigation can bring the water usage for agriculture down by 40%. Micro irrigation will also enhance the role of women in the agricultural & food processing industries.
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A decade of action. Sustained action, dynamic policies and mass participation are key for sustainable water resource
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Ending colonial legacy is paramount for modernization of Indian agriculture & economic well-being of our farmers. Tropical countries need a different approach to water resource management & transportation
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This is far more serious than most people understand because the depletion of rivers is happening so rapidly
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This is the only real treasure we can hand over to the next generation, that we have a fertile land and abundant water
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Since all Indian rivers are forest-fed, the only true solution is to rejuvenate them by increasing vegetation
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The receding rivers of India may cause much conflict. Let us strive to revive our rivers
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We are working towards bringing at least one-third of Cauvery River Basin under Agroforestry & set an example for tropical world that Agroforestry can not only enhance farmers' income & ensure food security but also revitalize our soil & water resourcesFood River Cauvery calling
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