Water Crisis +
River quotes
Water Crisis Quotes
Rivers have always nurtured our lives & have been the basis of our civilization. It's unfortunate that today we are talking about saving our rivers. The only way to revitalize our rivers is to increase green cover.Water crisis
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For the Cauvery to remain true to her name and continue to flow in abundance, we must take action to revitalize her.Water crisis Cauvery calling
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The entire work we are proposing for revitalization of rivers is to augment the source of the river.Water crisis
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The drying of our rivers is a consequence of the way human beings are livingWater crisis
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If enough river water does not flow into the ocean, marine or salt water ingress will happen into the land upto 100-130 km. This means India can lose one-third of its geography to marine ingress. Salt water will render the land incapable of any agriculture.Water crisis
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Revitalization of our rivers is not the work of a particular person or organisation; it's a generational workWater crisis
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Revitalizing rivers, lakes and ponds is not for knee jerk actions during summer crisis but a long term commitment. Let us understand this is Generational workWater crisis
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Krishna Basin that originates from the deep crevasses of the Western Ghats is house of one of the nation's richest & diverse life forms. In our struggle for survival, may we never lose this immense treasure.Water crisis
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The Krishna river that got its name from the illustrious ruler Krishnadevaraya was a hub of rich culture and civilization. To see the mighty Krishna in its present condition is heart-wrenching.Water crisis
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Longest west-flowing river of Indian peninsula & lifeline of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, Narmada, is part of India's glorious history. Now is the time to act to revitalize NarmadaWater crisis
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Liberalizing community forestry, public-private participation in afforestation & plantation in catchment areas are essential for revitalization of our forests, rivers & rural economyWater crisis
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Bringing back tree cover on riverbanks is the only long-term way to revitalize riversWater crisis
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Our rivers are our lifelines. Their crisis confronts us with a collective deadline.Water crisis
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India +
River quotes
India Quotes
One of the key focus areas of "Cauvery Calling" is to bring a significant portion of agricultural land under micro-irrigation which will dramatically reduce fresh water consumption. A vital step needed for the nationIndia Water crisis
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River interlinking is based on this dangerous idea that freshwater flowing into the ocean is a waste. If river water doesn’t reach the ocean, marine water will percolate inland, making 1/3 of India uncultivableIndia Water crisis
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River interlinking must be evaluated on the basis of scientific, environmental merit and long-term sustainability, not on the basis of emotions & immediate needsIndia Water crisis
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River Narmada has been an integral part of the glorious spiritual tradition of Bharat. If we are oblivious to her plight today, then we are declaring that we don’t care about our rich heritage & future of our children.India Water crisis
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Narmada, the bedrock of central India's spiritual ethos, is one of the most severely depleted rivers of the nation. Time to restore her to full glory for future generations.India Water crisis
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The vast Kaveri basin that spreads over three states and a union territory is a major lifeline for Southern India. Today Kaveri is choked, suffocated and barely surviving in most parts. Revitalisation of Kaveri is criticalIndia Cauvery calling
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Water levels in India's major river basins reaching a new low of the decade is a silent disaster in the making. A grave threat to agriculture, livestock & well-being of future generations. Their revitalization must become top priorityIndia Water crisis
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Heartening to see the Ganga River Dolphin, India's National Aquatic Animal, is recovering. It's time we stop seeing our rivers as resources to exploit. They are the source of life, not just for us, but for variety of life formsIndia
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All river Quotes ⇑
Groundwater in the very heartland of Karnataka's Cauvery basin is drying up at an alarming rate. This sorry state of this mighty river was unimaginable just a decade ago. Cauvery basin needs urgent revitalization. Cauvery is callingCauvery calling
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Afforestation on riparian lands will not only help mitigate climate change but will revitalize rivers & boost farmers' income
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Rivers have birthed & cradled Civilizations for millennia. But a river is not an endless source of Water. Our purely utilitarian approach to Rivers must change. Increasing tree cover in river basins is the only way to keep Rivers clean & perennially flowing
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Rally For Rivers as People's Movement has moved from an awareness campaign to policymaking and now on-the-ground action. This Movement to restore the Rivers of Bharat has received exemplary support from all walks of life and across the world
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Our rivers and soil are being depleted at a dramatic pace. In the near future, we will not be able to feed our population and quench their thirst. The simplest and most effective solution is to increase the tree cover, and in turn enrich the soil and replenish water bodies.
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Farmers are the most important stakeholders in making river revitalization a reality & thereby in making of the nation.Nation
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There is widespread misconception that a particular valley in the hills is catchment for the river. In tropical lands every inch of land is catchment. "Cauvery Calling" - an attempt to bring back vegetation on land to enhance our soil, water & agricultureCauvery calling
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Trees are the greatest, most effective & most reliable technologies that can revitalize our soil & rivers. Cauvery needs 242 crore trees to return to her original glory. Time to actCauvery calling
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Cauvery river that flowed through pristine forests for millennia is turning brown because she is carrying a large amount of sediment since water is flowing at surface due to lack of sufficient vegetation in the basinCauvery calling
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Protection & revitalization of our soil, rivers & agriculture is as important as protecting the borders of the nationCauvery calling
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We should hand over Cauvery to the next generation the way our elders handed it over to usCauvery calling
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We never saw rivers as just water bodies and geographical happenings. We always saw them as life-making fundamentals because two thirds of our body itself is water.Life
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Cauvery has been the source of wellbeing, prosperity & the very source of life for these lands. A forest-fed perennial river is fast becoming a seasonal stream as 87% of tree cover has been removed in 50 years. Cauvery is calling, do you have a heart to hear?Cauvery calling
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Shifting to tree-based agriculture not only replenishes the soil and river, it can also increase a farmer’s income by 3 to 8 times in 5 to 7 years.Cauvery calling
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The only way to reverse this alarming situation is by restoring vegetation that we have lost in the process of development without an ecological plan in the last 70 yearsEcology Water crisis
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Reforming FPOs, implementing large-scale micro-irrigation projects, creating model villages & detailed project reports in river basins of 6 states are the key objectives of "Rally for Rivers"
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Ecology knows no boundaries. Regional cooperation & a common, implementable policy are must for revitalization of rivers in the worldEcology
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Rivers are the lifelines of every nation. If we nurture love & care for our rivers, then the appropriate action to preserve them will naturally come by
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It's time to take an integrated approach towards ecology & economy for well-being of every stakeholder associated with our riversEcology
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In this culture, we did not see rivers as just water bodies. We see them as life-giving gods or goddessesIndian culture
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We are not separate from the world we live in. What we do to our rivers and forests we do to ourselves.
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If we do not act decisively, perennial rivers will turn seasonal, and several will vanish altogether.Ecology
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We are working towards bringing at least one-third of Cauvery River Basin under Agroforestry & set an example for tropical world that Agroforestry can not only enhance farmers' income & ensure food security but also revitalize our soil & water resourcesFood Water crisis Cauvery calling
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